Friday, October 21, 2005


"Representatives of all the various kinds of birds decided to find out which species was able to fly highest. They formed a council to judge, and experiments were started. One by one they dropped out, until only the Eagle was left. He continued his upward flight higher and higher until, when he was at his maximum, he exclaimed:'See, I have reached the highest point, leaving everyone else behind!'

At that moment a tiny Sparrow, which had been riding on his back, leapt off his wing and flew even higher, because he had conserved his strength. The Council met to decide the winner. 'The Sparrow', they declared,'gets a prize for being the cleverest, but the recognition for attainment must still go to the Eagle. And in addition, he gets a prize for endurance, for he outdid all the other competitors with the Sparrow on his back!'"

"Peace is something mental and spiritual. If there be peace in our (personal) life, it will affect the whole world"

"Paz es algo mental y espiritual, si existe paz en nuestra vida (personal), ciertamente afectara al mundo entero!



Representantes de todas las clases de aves formaron un consejo para decidir cual de las especies podia volar mas alto!,una vez los experimentos comenzaron una por una deserto cuando llego a su limite. Solamente la poderosa aguila continuo volando alto y mas alto, cuando llego al maximo, exclamo: Observen he alcanzado el punto mas alto dejando a todos los demas atras...!

En aquel momento aparecio un pequeño gorrion quien incognito habia estado cabalgando todo e tiempo sobre la espalda del aguila, en la cima del cielo no tardo en saltar del ala de su enplumada nave y comenzar a volar todavia mas alto... ,

Una vez en la tierra.. El consejo anuncio su resultado..: El gorrion es ganador y obtiene un premio por ser el mas astuto, pero el reconocimiento mayor por alcanzar el objetivo ha sido otorgado para el Aguila quien ademas obtiene el premio a la constancia ya que vencio a sus competidores y cumplio la meta con el gorrion en su espalda!

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