Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Una Raiz Profunda

Tierra!!! Dijeron, y al instante fue hecha la tierra. Como la neblina o como una nube de polvo fue
la creacion; las montañas surgieron de las aguas. De inmediato se formaron los montes y los valles. la Tierra fue cubierta con plantas, arboles y bejucos.

Alver esto Q'uk'umatz se lleno de alegria y dijo:

Tu bendicion ha sido buena, Corazon del Cielo,ahora podremos terminar nuestra creacion.

De esta forma fueron creados los montes y los valles. Las aguas fueron separadas para formar los mares y los lagos; los rios buscaron sus cauces en los barrancos al crearse las altas montañas, asi fue la creacion de la tierra, cuando Corazon del Cielo-Corazon de la Tierra medito y reunio sus pensamientos para que su obra fuese perfecta.

Los Creadores y Formadores se preguntaron: solo silencio e inmovilidad habra bajo los arboles y bejucos? Es conveniente que haya vida en los arboles y los bosques... esto es lo que dijeron y de inmediato crearon a los animales grandes y pequeños que habitarian los arboles y los bosques.

Popol VuJ
Libro Sagrado de los Mayas

la semilla esencial
la planto el Primer Padre
Hun Nal Ye
es el grano de maiz
que se hunde en la tierra
y al hundirse muere,
germina, resurge

una raiz profunda
nace en el reino subterraneo
un tronco majestuso crece
y despliega sus ramas
para sostener el cielo
desvaneciendose en la luna

Scene from Aronofsky's "The Fountain."

Friday, November 28, 2008


Apollonius of Tyana was the most famous philosopher of the Græco-Roman world of the first century, and devoted the major part of his long life to the purification of the many cults of the Empire and to the instruction of the ministers and priests of its religions. With the exception of the Christ no more interesting personage appears upon the stage of Western history in these early years.

Apollonius lived in the first century of our era, He was an enthusiastic admirer of the wisdom of India, It is not, however, to be thought that Apollonius set out to make a propaganda of Indian philosophy in the same way that the ordinary missionary sets forth to preach his conception of the Gospel. By no means; Apollonius seems to have endeavoured to help his hearers, whoever they might be, in the way best suited to each of them. He did not begin by telling them that what they believed was utterly false and soul-destroying, and that their eternal welfare depended upon their instantly adopting his own special scheme of salvation; he simply endeavoured to purge and further explain what they already believed and practised.

When they were crossing the great mountains into India a conversation is said to have taken place between Apollonius and Damis, which presents us with a good instance of how our philosopher ever used the incidents of the day to inculcate the higher lessons of life. The question was concerning the "below" and "above." Yesterday, said Damis, we were below in the valley; to-day we are above, high on the mountains, not far distant from heaven. So this is what you mean by "below" and "above," said Apollonius gently. Why, of course, impatiently retorted Damis, if I am in my right mind; what need of such useless questions? And have you acquired a greater knowledge of the divine nature by being nearer heaven on the tops of the mountains? continued his master. Do you think that those who observe the heaven from the mountain heights are any nearer the understanding of things? Truth to tell, replied Damis, somewhat crestfallen, I did think I should come down wiser, for I've been up a higher mountain than any of them, but I fear I know no more than before I ascended it.

Nor do other men, replied Apollonius; "such observations make them see the heavens more blue, the stars more large, and the sun rise from the night, things known to those who tend the sheep and goats; but how God doth take thought for human kind, and how He doth find pleasure in their service, and what is virtue, righteousness, and common-sense, that neither Athos will reveal to those who scale his summit nor yet Olympus who stirs the poet's wonder, unless it be the soul perceive them; for should the soul when pure and unalloyed essay such heights, I swear to thee, she wings her flight far far beyond this lofty Caucasus"

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Generosidad Sublime

" El alma recibe del alma este conocimiento, no por libros ni lengua
el conocimiento de los misterios viene despues del vacio de la mente, esto es la iluminacion del corazon"

Arte Lisa Dietrich


Estaba muerto
luego vivo
luego riendo

El poder del amor germino en mi
y me converti en un leon feroz
luego tierno como estrella de la noche

El dijo:
" No eres lo suficientemente demente
tu no perteneces a esta casa"

entonces me volvi salvaje y tuve que ser atado

El dijo:
"No, aun no lo suficientemente salvaje
para quedarte con nosotros"

rompi a traves de una nueva capa
y me llene de alegria

El dijo" No, no es suficiente.."


El dijo: " No eres mas que un astuto hombrecito
lleno de fantasia y dudas"

Arranque todas mi plumas y me converti en Bufon ha ha

El dijo: " Ahora si eres la vela de esta asamblea"

Respondi, " Pero no soy ninguna vela, observa tan solo
soy humo que se disipo..."

El dijo " Tu eres el Sheikh el guia"

Pero no soy ningun maestro, no tengo poder

El dijo " No te puedo dar alas, ya las tienes contigo"

Pero Yo queria sus alas, me sentia como una gallina incapaz de tomar vuelo

Nuevos acontecimientos me hablaron:

No te muevas...
una generosidad sublime viene hacia Ti

Un viejo Amor me dijo " Quedate Conmigo"

Yo dije " Si lo hare"

Tu eres la fuente de la luz del Sol
yo tan solo la sombra del sauce en el suelo
tu haces de mi furia, seda

El alma al amanecer es como agua oscurecida que lentamente
comienza a decir Gracias, Gracias
luego al atardecer venus se transforma gradualmente hasta convertirse en luna
y al final en todo el cielo nocturno

Esto es lo que sucede cuando sonrio de vuelta a Tu sonrisa

El maestro de Ajedrez no dice nada, mas alla de mover la pieza silenciosa

Que Yo sea parte de la estrategia de este juego
me hace maravillosamente Feliz


traduccion libre

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Blazing Path To Peace


This great meeting, BELOVED
looking through the eyes of your soul
this heart beating
you and i and all beings

Wherever you go in this life
and in lives to come
i shall be with you Friend
no parting and no meeting really takes place
The light which shines deep, deep within
your own heart is Thy Light, this flame is
the Light of All, we are always together
walking the Great Path to Peace
on Mother Earth!!!

Each heart that beats with the openness of all Creation
know this to be TRUTH, you and i will know ourselves
for the ONE we have never ceased to be... Sacred Mistery in
motion Divine loving, gentle, kind, compassionate non-existent
in_divi_dual, only ONE

And when more flames are in that prayer in that Spirit,
allowing the highest form of sacred thought,
honoring the four directions, the four elements
and the path of our ancestors , in alignment with that Mind and
operating in that Heart, then we can help the entire Earth consciousness shift
as peacekeepers walking the Great Path To Peace
on Mother Earth


Fulfilling the Prophecy of Peace
The Eagle & Condor Nations Prophecies
The Jaguar Nations & the World Prophecies
West Yellowstone


"These are the only three words that you need to meditate upon and
This is the Path of Peace."
In the Mohawk language they came to me and it was "Yammagoa," the great thanks that builds Creation which then will open up the doorway to that place of peace; "Sconagoa," that great peace that builds creation and then when you are in that great peace that builds creation then you are able to see that fullness of that Love of the Divine that builds Creation".

Sequoyah Trueblood

Native Spiritual Elder