Thursday, August 31, 2006

Found Itself

from the ancient, beginningless time, from no time within each and every movement in all different times and places found itself standing upon the waters neither turbulent nor peaceful nor walking or sitting whenever it turn to see the reflection of its true nature. !!!EUREKA!!! ~~~""There is no greater mystery than the following Ourselves being the Reality, we seek to gain reality. We think there is something hiding our Reality, and that it must be destroyed before the Reality is gained. That is ridiculous. A day will dawn when you will yourself laugh at all your past efforts. That which will be on the day you laugh is also here and now."" ~~~ Sri Ramana Maharsi Self Nature originally pure Crystal Clear

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Boo-ddha Verso


Donde solo silencio
ocupa espacio

un perpetuo verso
suena a trueno

primordial naturaleza
majestuosa realidad
creacion sin tiempo,
ni forma, emerge
de la nada

eternamente hueco
aquel antiguo & misterioso
azul negruzco cielo
reposa en nada

"Dimension Fractal"
©Tecnica Buddhabrot por Melinda Green

Gnosis abre la puerta
de la inexpresable nada!
tan llena y tan vacia
se acabo la ilusion


donde solo silencio
ocupa espacio

Boo-ddha Verso
se manifiesta
en realidad

de Verdad
omni dimension de
paz y alegria

mas alla, mas alla
de mente infinita
pura compasion encanta
al corazon.


donde solo silencio
ocupa espacio...

"Naturaleza de la Mente"
© Arte Alex Gray 1996

Nawang Khechog