Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Some of you think Zen is very difficult, very painful. But you think you should overcome this difficulty in order to get so-called"enlightenment." Language can only describe this condition, but Zen urges us to realize This - our True Nature - using this corporeal body and mind.
Now of course Zen is difficult; but it is also too easy. It is neither difficult nor easy....

The Meaning Of Namu Dai Bosa
from a public meeting at New York Zendo Shobo-Ji,
March 28, 1974, Free Version

There are many kinds of sutras, but all of them are condensed into this Namu Dai Bosa. And this is condensed into Mu;.

Everything is condensed into this Namu Dai Bosa. Not only the four-dimension world in which we human beings live- but also the five, six and endless dimension worlds are all condensed into this Namu Dai Bosa. This Untouchable, Unthinkable universal world is each one of us; not only each one of us, but each one of our cells.

Each such thing- no matter how small -is a sentient being. This is the meaning of Dai. The true meaning of Dai is absolute, in even the smallest thing there is this Dai. Bosa means "enlightened one."

Each of your cells is an enlightened one. Believe this! You are all such wonderful persons. This is true- a true fact. This is not Zen; not Buddhism; not religious talk. It is just a plain fact. Right here, now- this is Namu Dai Bosa. There is no need to think about endless dimension universal worlds. Just Namu Dai Bosa. Just Mu. Just breathing. Just counting. Nothing else.


So wonderful, this Endless Dimension Universal World! So wonderful. Even one leaf, one flower- nothing but this Endless Dimension Universal Being.

♥ ............................IMAGINAZIONE


Il segreto della liberazione....
L'uomo che crea, rappresentando la sua realta'



Each such thing- no matter how small -is a sentient being.


Cada cosa, sin importar cuan pequeña es un ser que siente



Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Ay Dalai...!

Un Oceano de Sabiduria esta por llegar… a Colombia MAYO 11 2006 Los “Dalai Lamas del Tibet” son una de las maravillas vivientes de nuestra historia planetaria, su presencia representa la trascencencia de un mensaje eterno, fraternidad universal, corazon sobre mente, compasion infinita. Preceptos y valores entregados mas de 2500 anos atras por Sakyamuni Buddha a la humanidad, enteramente por el bienestar de todos los seres vivientes. En un humilde intento por ofrecer una adecuada introduccion a proposito de la visita de su Santidad Tenzin Gyatso , XIV Dalai Lama. ( Dalai Lama se puede traducir como Oceano de Sabiduria) Es justo y relevante mencionar algunos aspectos concernientes a su trayectoria y actividad El Dalai Lama es la figura mas visible dentro del complejo sistema Religioso- Politico de la nacion tibetana, que en su mayoria es Buddhista, su Santidad no solamente es una autoridad religiosa, a su vez es el jefe de estado, sin embargo como El mismo se autodefine “es tan solo un monje mas”, pero que Monje!!! Para la mayoria del mundo occidental, el Tibet es un lugar desconocido, misterioso, y profundamente mistico rodeado por las mas altas montanas del planeta, fue de hecho una region inexpulgable para extranjeros hasta la primera parte del siglo XX, cuando los primeros occidentales se atrevieron a cruzar la hasta entonces inhospita region de los Himalayas solo para descubrir la riqueza de una nacion alejada de la” realidad del planeta” para extraer su mas pura esencia, las joyas de su espiritualidad”. Sin embargo con la invasion, guerra y posterior ocupacion por parte de la China a la nacion tibetana en 1949, y ante la inminente perspectiva del exterminio o la esclavitud (Segun datos revelados por autoridades tibetanas al menos 1.2 millones de seres humanos han sido victimas mortales de este hecho), en 1959 el Dalai Lama, algunos cercanos colaboradores y todo aquel que percibia el inminente peligro de permanecer bajo el dominio chino deciden abandonar secretamente Tibet y aceptar la propuesta de asilo que Jewarhalal Nehru entonces Primer Ministro de la India ofrecio a los tibetanos. En una apoteosica jornada de absoluta Fe atravesando los inclementes Himalayas a traves de Nepal la comitiva finalmente encuentra refugio en la India, nacion hermana en la cual el Buddhismo tuvo su origen. Una vez establecido el principal lugar de refugio en la ciudad de Dharmasala, la labor de Su Santidad se ha concentrado en trabajar incansablemente por su gente, y viajar entre las naciones del mundo para compartir un mensaje de Fe, acerca de creer en aquello que es mas cercano a nuestro corazon, “Compasion Universal”, mas alla de todo formalismo este uniquisimo personaje es un sincero amigo de las gentes del mundo quien con su caracteristico buen humor, agudez mental y sabiduria ha hecho de su jornada por esta tierra una memorable labor de humanismo espiritual utilizando un comun denominador para todos los seres vivos fraternidad universal, y hermandad entre las naciones de la Tierra. Como promotor incansable de los principios de la No-violencia, su actividad ha sido galardonada con el Premio Nobel por la Paz (1989), entre otros muchos reconocimientos por sus constantes esfuerzos por encontrar una solucion no-violenta a la disputa por la independencia de su pais natal El Tibet y por medio de ello compartir los principios y valores que Sakyamuni Buddha expuso al universo entero hace mas de 2500 anos, estas son conocidas como “Las Cuatro Nobles Verdades”. Existe Sufrimiento Todo sufrimiento tiene una causa Existe la posibilidad de extinguir todo sufrimiento Hay un camino que conduce a la extincion del sufrimiento Dentro del contexto meramente historico religioso budhista Su santidad el 14 Dalai Lama es considerado como la manifestacion viviente del Bodhisattva de la Compasion, Avalokiteshvara, quien desde tiempos inmemoriales ha hecho presencia en la tierra para ofrecer refugio y ayuda espiritual a incontables seres, como vivo exponente de los principios de amor y compasion universal, al igual que contribuir a iluminar la confusion intellectual y contrarrestar el sufrimiento emocional de todos los seres vivientes. El alcance de su mission terrenal es ilimitado y los frutos de su paso por se pueden apreciar a traves du sus multiples intervenciones por el bienestar de todos los seres sobre el planeta Sean Todos los Seres Felices Sea Paz Chaco Abril 11 2006

Friday, April 07, 2006



A very rich man once wanted to become happy. He had tried all kinds of ways but everything had failed. He went to many saints; nobody could help him. Then somebody suggested: 'You go to Mulla Nasruddin. He lives in a certain town - he is the only man who can be of some help to you.'
The man went with a bag full of diamonds, and he showed the bag to Mulla Nasruddin who was sitting underneath a tree outside the town, resting under the sun. And he said: 'I am a very miserable man - I want happiness. I am ready to give anything for it, but I have not tasted even once what happiness is - and death is coming closer. Can you help me? How can I be happy? I have all kinds of things that the world can give to me, yet I am unhappy. Why?'
Mulla looked at the man, and it happened so fast that the rich man could not understand what was happening. He just jumped on the man, took away the bag, and ran.
Of course the man followed, crying, shouting: 'I have been cheated, robbed!'
Mulla knew all the streets of the town, so he was going zigzag, this way and that. And the rich man had never run in his life, and he was crying and tears were flowing down, and he said: 'I have been robbed absolutely - that was my whole life's earnings. Save me, people! Help me!'
And a crowd followed. And by the time they reached Mulla, the Mulla had come back to the place where the rich man had found him. The rich man's horse was still standing there, Mulla was sitting under the tree. The rich man was crying, breathing hard. And Mulla gave the bag back to him.
The rich man said: 'Thank God!' And such tears of joy, and such peace.
Mulla said: 'Look, I have made you happy. Now you know what happiness is? This bag has been with you for years and you were unhappy. It had to be taken away from you.'

This is what meditation is all about - just becoming a watcher. Failure comes, success comes, you are praised, you are condemned, you are respected, you are insulted - all kinds of things come, they are all dualities. And you go on watching. Watching the duality, a third force arises in you, a third dimension arises in you. The duality means two dimensions - one dimension is happiness, another is unhappiness. Watching both, a depth arises in you - the third dimension, witnessing, SAKSHI.
And that third dimension brings bliss. Bliss is without any opposite to it. It is serene, tranquil, cool. It is ecstasy without any excitement.

India my love

" The East has so many secret keys,
but even a single key is enough because a single key can open thousands and thousands of locks."