Thursday, December 21, 2006


Tuviste un gran pasado
y aun no lo recuerdas
es tu realidad vivida
es la PACHA
quien te llama
Tu verdadera casa!
aquella donde reina el
que nunca se detiene

Sirius A & B photo credit Nasa

del amanecer,
ojos del cielo
guardianas del
vacio sagrado

Orion Nebula, Hubble & Spitzer space telescopes image

El no tiempo
de ancestrales
de nuevo
ha llegado.

Mike Oldfield : Sirius

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Organic Consciousness

"So you wonder who you are
can't accept anymore what you've been told
then take all those questions to your noble heart
& let the mystery unfold¨

When you walk on through the fear
you see the truth has been always here
and it will never fade away"

Evolving on planet earth clearly indicates the presence of a self-ordered consciousness as well as a primordial awareness available to all,
wandering through existence in this infinite continum without beginning or end, free from attachment or aversion, just as it is.

Living on earth then begins to seem much more spiritual, mystical and intuitive experience. Upon realizing that ¨big problems in the world¨ often manifest as physical challenges, emotional and social problems… in a single material realm,
we may wisely gather the courage to wake up from the dream:

The ilusion of my soul, your soul, this or that,
all seems to disappear before the Reality of our Oneness,
of this organic journey!


Sunday, November 19, 2006

Mama Amma

"Everyone in the world should be able to sleep without fear,
at least for one night.Everyone should be able to eat to his fill,
at least for one day.

There should be at least one day when hospitals see no one admitted due to violence.
By doing selfless service for at least one day, everyone should help the poor and needy.

It is Amma's prayer that at least
this small dream be realised."

OM Namah Shivaya

Saturday, November 11, 2006

♪ U no

Llego aqui entonces la palabra...

Desde siempre
Somos Uno
por todas mis relaciones
en todas las direcciones
en cada dimension

los que comprenden el real imaginario
DONDE solo existe posible, posible, posible
ahora escuchan en calma, un solo silencio

observad atenta y lentamente
como las antiguas historias
se revelan de nuevo una vez
mas somos uno!!

el uno es todo :;: el todo es uno!

♫ 1 ♫

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

To all Heart Friends

Listen fortunate heart children...

true birds must go out
don't stay in just one place now
the garuda's domain is the vast skies

beholding innocence
this pristine forest
winged friends
is home now

so full
so empty
neither alone
nor to close
calm presence

just present
the light is ever present
clouds can't affect the
natural brilliance of the sky

witnessing frecuency swimmers
alignment to primal sound
the journey unfolds by itself

is the expanse
of the sky."

yipeee yipeee
heart friends
this is really
a Lighthouse

check it out!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Llamado de La Sierra (Umunukunu) Appeal from the Sierra

Primero estaba el Mar, todo estaba oscuro
no habia ni sol ni luna, ni gente ni animales, ni plantas
El Mar, estaba en todas partes, el Mar era la madre
la madre no era gente, ni nada, ni cosa alguna
ella era espiritu de lo que iba a venir y ella
era pensamiento y memoria (Mitologia KOGUI)

Only one thought
Only one Mother
Only one single word reaches upwards
Only one single trail leads heavenward

The Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta is the highest coastal mountain in the world, and the indigenous groups which live on it are the descendants of the Tairona civilization which flourished there at the time of the Spanish Invasion, The tribes refer to themselves as 'The Elder Brothers', and to the rest as 'The Younger Brother'
That which this tribes remember, and that we the Younger Brothers have forgotten, are the laws of exchange. Nothing may be responsibly taken from the created universe--the Mother--without giving something in return.

"Up to now we have ignored the Younger Brother. We have not deigned even to give him a slap. But now we can no longer look after the world alone. The Younger Brother is doing too much damage. He must see, and understand, and assume responsibility. Now we will have to work together. Otherwise, the world will die."
- Kogi Mama

“La ley de origen es la ciencia tradicional de la sabiduría y el conocimiento ancestral indígena para el manejo de todo lo material y espiritual, cuyo cumplimiento garantiza el equilibrio y la armonía de la naturaleza, el orden y la permanencia de la vida, del universo y de nosotros mismos como pueblos indígenas. La ley de origen regula las relaciones entre los seres vivientes desde las piedras hasta el ser humano, en la perspectiva de la unidad y la convivencia en el territorio ancestral legado desde la materialización del mundo. (...) Nuestra Ley nos dice queUmunukunu o Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta es el lugar sagrado dado a
las tribus Iku, Kággaba, Sanká y Kankuama, que la orden de los primeros padres es que desde la Sierra seamos los cuidadores del mundo, para que por la permanencia de las formas de vida dadas en nuestra ley de origen haya equilibrio entre la naturaleza y el hombre, siendo el hombre también naturaleza”

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Found Itself

from the ancient, beginningless time, from no time within each and every movement in all different times and places found itself standing upon the waters neither turbulent nor peaceful nor walking or sitting whenever it turn to see the reflection of its true nature. !!!EUREKA!!! ~~~""There is no greater mystery than the following Ourselves being the Reality, we seek to gain reality. We think there is something hiding our Reality, and that it must be destroyed before the Reality is gained. That is ridiculous. A day will dawn when you will yourself laugh at all your past efforts. That which will be on the day you laugh is also here and now."" ~~~ Sri Ramana Maharsi Self Nature originally pure Crystal Clear

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Boo-ddha Verso


Donde solo silencio
ocupa espacio

un perpetuo verso
suena a trueno

primordial naturaleza
majestuosa realidad
creacion sin tiempo,
ni forma, emerge
de la nada

eternamente hueco
aquel antiguo & misterioso
azul negruzco cielo
reposa en nada

"Dimension Fractal"
©Tecnica Buddhabrot por Melinda Green

Gnosis abre la puerta
de la inexpresable nada!
tan llena y tan vacia
se acabo la ilusion


donde solo silencio
ocupa espacio

Boo-ddha Verso
se manifiesta
en realidad

de Verdad
omni dimension de
paz y alegria

mas alla, mas alla
de mente infinita
pura compasion encanta
al corazon.


donde solo silencio
ocupa espacio...

"Naturaleza de la Mente"
© Arte Alex Gray 1996

Nawang Khechog

Monday, July 31, 2006

Metta Poetics

The Pali word metta is a multi-significant term meaning loving-kindness, friendliness, goodwill, benevolence, fellowship, amity, concord, inoffensiveness and non-violence ~*~

When synergies are pure
just before the dawn
magie of the Kosmos
comes alone,
extraordinary bold
it vanishes empty walls
and shadows,
undiluted light,
dynamic force.


perfect alchemy
as long as space endures
lions roaring, swans being born
all inhabitants
living a simple life
for the welfare of all

magie comes
and shows the WAY
only ONELOVE conquers
yet the bridge is open...
whether visible or invisible
RE-UNION of the opposites
is taking place... stop!


in this very present moment
left & right, logic & illogic
peace & war, courage & fear
violence & no violence, does
anyone on this blue planet, wonders
what's going on ???

is there a need
to spend some much time in
separation, instead why not to
acknowledge integration,
perhaps by trascending duality
change may come!!!
who knows... only ONE

however, wouldn't it be
better believing in a free
world where all beings
become aware of OM!

Truth IS

magie has already come
again and again..
it comes
and goes...
better catch it now
all it takes is
an awakened heart
never wishing others harm
In resentment or in hate.

beyond hatred or enmity.
cultivating an all-embracing mind of love
all throughout the universe, beyond, beyond~
embodying the majesty of a radiant smile
the Blessings of Metta
are undescribable

ONE sleeps happily;
ONE wakes happily;
ONE does not suffer bad dreams;
ONE is dear to human beings;
ONE is dear to non-human beings

magie says...
when universal love leading to liberation of mind
is practiced, developed, and made
the foundation of one's life,
ALL is

Friday, July 14, 2006

A tree has its roots, a stream its source.

World Peace Forum 2006, truly proved to be a unique gathering of peoples from GAIA.
The show must go on!

beyond, beyond, beyond, words, or symbols, treaties or threats, this or that... remember, remember there is Unity in Diversity; a Culture for Peace on this Planet represents the whole existence co-creating it, THOU ART PEACE,
may we remember my beloved ones, how we all come, are part and live as expressions of the same single source, of course there are many streams along the Way and yet Water is Water...

let go!!! be assured fixed systems of belief were not preceding the beginning of all things..

Mind precedes all things;
mind is their chief, mind is their maker.
If one speaks or does a deed
with a mind that is pure within,
happiness then follows along
like a never departing shadow.
Dhammapada 1

pure hearts shinning, with an unconditional love-compasion authentic attitude towards all-one
may be the HIGHEST EXPRESSION of -PEACEFUL-ART. wanna try,
are U ready, to join the world caravan for peace!

: ) ~ ( :

Here some visual-written insights/memories from Vancouver World Peace Forum 2006
May Peace Prevail on Earth!

Better than a thousand useless words
is one useful word,
hearing which one attains peace.
Dhammapada 100

Ancient Sufi Prayer

I offer you peace.
I offer you joy.
I offer you friendship.
I hear your needs.
I see your beauty.

Our wisdom comes from
a Higher Source.
Our wisdom comes from
a deeper source.
I honor that Source in you.


Thursday, June 29, 2006

Llamado a La Paz Vancouver 2006



English version " VANCOUVER APPEAL FOR PEACE" at (see links)

El primer Foro Mundial por la Paz se ha reunido en Vancouver, Canada entre el 23 y el 28 de Junio de 2006
con el fin de dialogar acerca del tema “ Ciudades y Comunidades : Trabajando Juntos para encontrar el fin de la guerra y construir un mundo Pacifico, justo y sostenible “

En el año 2006 el mundo confronta la guerra illegal en Iraq, el racismo, la erosion y detrimento de las libertades civiles, la renovacion de amenazas nucleares y el sostenido fenomeno de calentamiento global. Somos conscientes que la inacabable guerra en contra del terror/ terrorismo ha deteriorado gravemente los derechos humanos y el rol de las naciones unidas en la sociedad mundial.

El mundo entero enfrenta pobreza masiva, un mayor numero de personas sin techo, desplazamiento, un alarmante incremento en el porcentaje de enfermedades, y el incremento en la desigualdad economica junto con el aumento indiscriminado del gasto militar por parte de los estados involucrados en la carrera armamentista.

En esta critica coyuntura en la historia, El foro Mundial por la Paz ha concluido que en realidad un mundo sin guerra es alcanzable. Para ese fin.

· Construiremos Paz con ecuanimidad basada en justicia social, derechos humanos, libertades democraticas, e igualdad economica
· Educaremos a nuestros niños para que juntos cultivemos una cultura por paz
· Reconoceremos, protegeremos y apoyaremos las necesidades y aspiraciones de todas las familias indigenas del mundo
· Respetaremos la dignidad que brinda a todas las gentes del mundo la diversidad , diferencia y libertad de opinion
· Nos aseguraremos de desarrollar un rol de liderazgo para las mujeres los niños, y los forjadores de paz de todo el planeta
· Demandamos y demandaremos el fin de la guerra y la violencia
· Protegeremos pacificamente el medio ambiente
· Trabajaremos para eliminar y erradicar las armas nucleares y de destruccion masiva

Especificamente para conseguir esto,, llamamos a

1. El retiro de todas las tropas extranjeras de Iraq, Colombia y Afghanistan
2. Un acuerdo negociado entre Israel y palestina dentro del marco juridico de la Ley Internacional y las resoluciones de las Naciones Unidas.
3. Un compromiso sostenido para asumir el calentamiento global como un fenomeno inequivoco, asi como la necesidad de desarrollar politicas energeticas sostenibles para reducir sus efectos.
4. La implementacion de la Resolucion 1325 de las Naciones Unidas con el fin de asegurar total igualdad en la participacion de la Mujer
5. El fin de la tortura en la prision de Guantanamo.
6. Los Gobiernos del Mundo para reducir el gasto militar, reutilizando estos recursos para invertir en las necesidades humanas.
7. Los gobiernos para renunciar constitucionalmente a la guerra (Ejemplo Articulo 9 Constitucion del Japon)
8. La democratización de la Organizacion de Naciones Unidas
9. La Organizacion de las Naciones Unidas para declarar una decada por el desarme
10. Todos los Estados del Mundo para negociar un acuerdo verificable e irreversible a proposito del desarme nuclear.

Nos Comprometemos a:

· Mobilizar ciudades comunidades y ciudadanos por paz
(C4P por sus siglas en ingles “Citizens 4 Peace”)
· Promover una cultura de paz, fortaleciendo el espiritu humano a traves de la Educacion por la Paz, las artes y la comunicacion
· Construir redes efectivas que trasciendan la separacion y cooperar en la busqueda de un escenario comun, utilizando la la fortaleza de nuestra diversidad para alcanzar nuestros objetivos.
· Asegurar que este proceso se perpetue entre generaciones
· Apoyar aquellos que trabajan en otros asuntos de caracter social, ambiental y de sostenibilidad ya que todos ellos de una u otra forma estan intimimamente ligados en la consecucion de la paz
· Realizar y realzar la capacidad de la sociedad civil para construir y hacer paz en conjunto

Para lograr esto empoderaremos personas, sinergizaremos luchas y alimentaremos esperanza en Paz

Queremos un Mundo sin guerra, el Mundo que nuestros niños merecen

Version Original y LIBRE en español
Junio 28 2006

Creditos: Fotografia Original " Territorio de Paz "
Jesus Abad Colorado
Exposicion Memoria Lugar y Desplazamiento en la Universidad
de British Columbia, disponible virtualmente en la categoria LINKS.

Foto-Composicion Chaco Paz

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Peace RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW = Paz es...

KEY AHO! ... LISTEN WITH JOY LANGUSCHINA = The most practical RELIGION is LOVE.. (Kogui Elders) 'Being one with nature, the sage is in accord with the Tao.' (Lao Tzu) 'All our philosophy is as dry as dust if it is not immediately translated into some act of living service.' (Mahatma Gandhi) 'Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.' (Dalai Lama) from the DHAMMAPADA, a sacred scripture transmited by BUDDHA Shakyamuni... Hatred never ceases by hatred; But love alone is healed. This is an ancient and eternal law. Therefore: PEACE IS... PAZ ES.. PAIX... JUST ... WELCOME TO WORLD PEACE

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Art by Don Pablo Amaringo






Saturday, May 13, 2006

Merci à la Vie - Gracias a la vida

Merci à la vie qui m'a tant donné.
Elle m'a donné deux yeux et quand je les ouvre
Je distingue parfaitement le noir du blanc
Et là-haut dans le ciel, un fond étoilé
Et parmi les multitudes, l'homme que j'aime.

Merci à la vie qui m'a tant donné.
Elle m'a donné d'entendre, oreilles grandes ouvertes
Enregistrer nuit et jour grillons et canaris,
Marteaux, turbines, aboiements, orages,
Et la voix si tendre de mon bien-aimé.

Merci à la vie qui m'a tant donné.
Elle m'a donné la voix et des lettres
Avec lesquelles je pense les mots, et je dis
Mère, ami, frère, lumière qui éclaire
Le chemin de l'âme que j'aime.

Merci à la vie qui m'a tant donné.
Elle m'a donné de marcher de mes pieds fatigués
Et j'ai ainsi parcouru villes et marécages,
Plages et déserts, montagnes et plaines
Jusqu'à ta maison, ta rue, ta cour.

Merci à la vie qui m'a tant donné.
Elle m'a donné un coeur qui devient débordant
Quand je vois le fruit du cerveau humain ;
Quand je vois la distance qu'il y a entre le bien et le mal
Quand je vois le fond de tes yeux clairs.

Merci à la vie qui m'a tant donné.
Elle m'a donné le rire, elle m'a donné les pleurs.
Ainsi, je distingue le bonheur du désespoir
Ces deux éléments qui forment mon chant,
Et votre chant qui est le même chant,
Et le chant de tous, qui est encore mon chant.

Gracias a la vida, que me ha dado tanto.
Me dio dos luceros, que cuando los abro,
Perfecto distingo lo negro del blanco,
Y en el alto cielo su fondo estrellado,
Y en las multitudes el hombre que yo amo.

Gracias a la vida, que me ha dado tanto.
Me ha dado el oído que, en todo su ancho,
Graba noche y día grillos y canarios
Martillos, turbinas, ladridos, chubascos,
Y la voz tan tierna de mi bien amado.

Gracias a la vida, que me ha dado tanto,
Me ha dado el sonido y el abecedario.
Con él las palabras que pienso y declaro,
"Madre,", "amigo," "hermano," y los alumbrando
La ruta del alma del que estoy amando.

Gracias a la vida, que me ha dado tanto.
Me ha dado la marcha de mis pies cansados.
Con ellos anduve ciudades y charcos,
Playas y desiertos, montañas y llanos,
Y la casa tuya, tu calle y tu patio.

Gracias a la vida que me ha dado tanto
Me dio el corazón, que agita su marco.
Cuando miro el fruto del cerebro humano,
Cuando miro al bueno tan lejos del malo.
Cuando miro el fondo de tus ojos claros.

Gracias a la vida que me ha dado tanto.
Me ha dado la risa, y me ha dado el llanto.
Así yo distingo dicha de quebranto,
Los dos materiales que forman mi canto,
Y el canto de ustedes que es el mismo canto.

Y el canto de todos que es mi propio canto.
Gracias a la vida que me ha dado tanto.
Violeta Parra

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Some of you think Zen is very difficult, very painful. But you think you should overcome this difficulty in order to get so-called"enlightenment." Language can only describe this condition, but Zen urges us to realize This - our True Nature - using this corporeal body and mind.
Now of course Zen is difficult; but it is also too easy. It is neither difficult nor easy....

The Meaning Of Namu Dai Bosa
from a public meeting at New York Zendo Shobo-Ji,
March 28, 1974, Free Version

There are many kinds of sutras, but all of them are condensed into this Namu Dai Bosa. And this is condensed into Mu;.

Everything is condensed into this Namu Dai Bosa. Not only the four-dimension world in which we human beings live- but also the five, six and endless dimension worlds are all condensed into this Namu Dai Bosa. This Untouchable, Unthinkable universal world is each one of us; not only each one of us, but each one of our cells.

Each such thing- no matter how small -is a sentient being. This is the meaning of Dai. The true meaning of Dai is absolute, in even the smallest thing there is this Dai. Bosa means "enlightened one."

Each of your cells is an enlightened one. Believe this! You are all such wonderful persons. This is true- a true fact. This is not Zen; not Buddhism; not religious talk. It is just a plain fact. Right here, now- this is Namu Dai Bosa. There is no need to think about endless dimension universal worlds. Just Namu Dai Bosa. Just Mu. Just breathing. Just counting. Nothing else.


So wonderful, this Endless Dimension Universal World! So wonderful. Even one leaf, one flower- nothing but this Endless Dimension Universal Being.

♥ ............................IMAGINAZIONE


Il segreto della liberazione....
L'uomo che crea, rappresentando la sua realta'



Each such thing- no matter how small -is a sentient being.


Cada cosa, sin importar cuan pequeña es un ser que siente



Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Ay Dalai...!

Un Oceano de Sabiduria esta por llegar… a Colombia MAYO 11 2006 Los “Dalai Lamas del Tibet” son una de las maravillas vivientes de nuestra historia planetaria, su presencia representa la trascencencia de un mensaje eterno, fraternidad universal, corazon sobre mente, compasion infinita. Preceptos y valores entregados mas de 2500 anos atras por Sakyamuni Buddha a la humanidad, enteramente por el bienestar de todos los seres vivientes. En un humilde intento por ofrecer una adecuada introduccion a proposito de la visita de su Santidad Tenzin Gyatso , XIV Dalai Lama. ( Dalai Lama se puede traducir como Oceano de Sabiduria) Es justo y relevante mencionar algunos aspectos concernientes a su trayectoria y actividad El Dalai Lama es la figura mas visible dentro del complejo sistema Religioso- Politico de la nacion tibetana, que en su mayoria es Buddhista, su Santidad no solamente es una autoridad religiosa, a su vez es el jefe de estado, sin embargo como El mismo se autodefine “es tan solo un monje mas”, pero que Monje!!! Para la mayoria del mundo occidental, el Tibet es un lugar desconocido, misterioso, y profundamente mistico rodeado por las mas altas montanas del planeta, fue de hecho una region inexpulgable para extranjeros hasta la primera parte del siglo XX, cuando los primeros occidentales se atrevieron a cruzar la hasta entonces inhospita region de los Himalayas solo para descubrir la riqueza de una nacion alejada de la” realidad del planeta” para extraer su mas pura esencia, las joyas de su espiritualidad”. Sin embargo con la invasion, guerra y posterior ocupacion por parte de la China a la nacion tibetana en 1949, y ante la inminente perspectiva del exterminio o la esclavitud (Segun datos revelados por autoridades tibetanas al menos 1.2 millones de seres humanos han sido victimas mortales de este hecho), en 1959 el Dalai Lama, algunos cercanos colaboradores y todo aquel que percibia el inminente peligro de permanecer bajo el dominio chino deciden abandonar secretamente Tibet y aceptar la propuesta de asilo que Jewarhalal Nehru entonces Primer Ministro de la India ofrecio a los tibetanos. En una apoteosica jornada de absoluta Fe atravesando los inclementes Himalayas a traves de Nepal la comitiva finalmente encuentra refugio en la India, nacion hermana en la cual el Buddhismo tuvo su origen. Una vez establecido el principal lugar de refugio en la ciudad de Dharmasala, la labor de Su Santidad se ha concentrado en trabajar incansablemente por su gente, y viajar entre las naciones del mundo para compartir un mensaje de Fe, acerca de creer en aquello que es mas cercano a nuestro corazon, “Compasion Universal”, mas alla de todo formalismo este uniquisimo personaje es un sincero amigo de las gentes del mundo quien con su caracteristico buen humor, agudez mental y sabiduria ha hecho de su jornada por esta tierra una memorable labor de humanismo espiritual utilizando un comun denominador para todos los seres vivos fraternidad universal, y hermandad entre las naciones de la Tierra. Como promotor incansable de los principios de la No-violencia, su actividad ha sido galardonada con el Premio Nobel por la Paz (1989), entre otros muchos reconocimientos por sus constantes esfuerzos por encontrar una solucion no-violenta a la disputa por la independencia de su pais natal El Tibet y por medio de ello compartir los principios y valores que Sakyamuni Buddha expuso al universo entero hace mas de 2500 anos, estas son conocidas como “Las Cuatro Nobles Verdades”. Existe Sufrimiento Todo sufrimiento tiene una causa Existe la posibilidad de extinguir todo sufrimiento Hay un camino que conduce a la extincion del sufrimiento Dentro del contexto meramente historico religioso budhista Su santidad el 14 Dalai Lama es considerado como la manifestacion viviente del Bodhisattva de la Compasion, Avalokiteshvara, quien desde tiempos inmemoriales ha hecho presencia en la tierra para ofrecer refugio y ayuda espiritual a incontables seres, como vivo exponente de los principios de amor y compasion universal, al igual que contribuir a iluminar la confusion intellectual y contrarrestar el sufrimiento emocional de todos los seres vivientes. El alcance de su mission terrenal es ilimitado y los frutos de su paso por se pueden apreciar a traves du sus multiples intervenciones por el bienestar de todos los seres sobre el planeta Sean Todos los Seres Felices Sea Paz Chaco Abril 11 2006

Friday, April 07, 2006



A very rich man once wanted to become happy. He had tried all kinds of ways but everything had failed. He went to many saints; nobody could help him. Then somebody suggested: 'You go to Mulla Nasruddin. He lives in a certain town - he is the only man who can be of some help to you.'
The man went with a bag full of diamonds, and he showed the bag to Mulla Nasruddin who was sitting underneath a tree outside the town, resting under the sun. And he said: 'I am a very miserable man - I want happiness. I am ready to give anything for it, but I have not tasted even once what happiness is - and death is coming closer. Can you help me? How can I be happy? I have all kinds of things that the world can give to me, yet I am unhappy. Why?'
Mulla looked at the man, and it happened so fast that the rich man could not understand what was happening. He just jumped on the man, took away the bag, and ran.
Of course the man followed, crying, shouting: 'I have been cheated, robbed!'
Mulla knew all the streets of the town, so he was going zigzag, this way and that. And the rich man had never run in his life, and he was crying and tears were flowing down, and he said: 'I have been robbed absolutely - that was my whole life's earnings. Save me, people! Help me!'
And a crowd followed. And by the time they reached Mulla, the Mulla had come back to the place where the rich man had found him. The rich man's horse was still standing there, Mulla was sitting under the tree. The rich man was crying, breathing hard. And Mulla gave the bag back to him.
The rich man said: 'Thank God!' And such tears of joy, and such peace.
Mulla said: 'Look, I have made you happy. Now you know what happiness is? This bag has been with you for years and you were unhappy. It had to be taken away from you.'

This is what meditation is all about - just becoming a watcher. Failure comes, success comes, you are praised, you are condemned, you are respected, you are insulted - all kinds of things come, they are all dualities. And you go on watching. Watching the duality, a third force arises in you, a third dimension arises in you. The duality means two dimensions - one dimension is happiness, another is unhappiness. Watching both, a depth arises in you - the third dimension, witnessing, SAKSHI.
And that third dimension brings bliss. Bliss is without any opposite to it. It is serene, tranquil, cool. It is ecstasy without any excitement.

India my love

" The East has so many secret keys,
but even a single key is enough because a single key can open thousands and thousands of locks."

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Vasto es el espacio querida nube
sin embargo, tan solo existe un cielo
un vacio cielo sobre el cual flotar
como una flor de loto en el inmenso mar
nada aparente hay por realizar

intuye mente en su pura esencia
libre e indestructible
mas alla de toda dualidad
espontanea, mente fluye.
momento a momento
potencialidad co-emergente

Recuerda ahora
como solo un destello
es suficiente
para iluminar el camino
el infinito trayecto
de retorno a casa
donde Paz Prevalece

alli te encuentro!

Sean todos los seres felices



your very best friend
has become a dharma friend
a true renunciate of the world of men
universal light,
shinning wide, above and below
for the sake of all,
a perfected sunflower
dancing the symphony
of everlasting peace.

Watch your truthful heart friend
remember deeply ;
that as:
"the seed is so the fruit will be"
a humble whole being free!

Watch as the still infinite ocean
of Grace sits within you heart friend
sincerely and faithfully acknowledging
the magnificent spirit of the
enlightened ones, the nature of the Dharma
the excellent brotherhood and sisterhood,
marvelous three brilliant jewels.

Praying, working
diligently for peace
inner peace and outer peace
smiling to the sunrise,
being amazed by the moonbow
and not afraid of the flow
constantly aware of how wonderful and rare
this precious human life is
from moment to moment
carrying only one thought
til breathing ceases!
just watch!

Honoring the rising of universal love and
wisdom among all,
the duty is fulfilled with discernment
emanating infinite rays of compassion
rainbow thunderbolts might roar hard again
accomplishing nothing
free from obscurations
manifesting only its splendour
with no effort, full of joy!

As many as there were, are and will be
sentient beings to liberate
from ignorance and suffering
will Buddha nature exist,
compasionately enlightening the glorious path
of supreme freedom
without beginning without an end,
only until we all become Buddhas!
Buddha Nature pervades the whole universe

Beam of light
May the six sillabe mantra
be clearly seen by the eye
of your eyes knowing that:
beyond acceptance or rejection
living harmoniously, courageously and care free
for the sake of all, is life as it is
just so

Watch yourself become Buddha!
I'll meet U there


Tuesday, February 28, 2006

HAFIZ says: I have come into this world to see This!

I have come into this world to see this:

The sword drop from men's hands even at the height
of their arc of anger
because we have finally realized there is just one flesh to wound
and it is His - the Christ's, our
I have come into this world to see this:

all creatures hold hands as
we pass through this miraculous
existence we share on the way
to even a greater being of soul,
a being of just ecstatic light,
forever entwined and at play
with Him.
I have come into this world to hear this:
every song the earth has sung since it was conceived in
the Divine's womb and began spinning from
His wish,
every song by wing and fin and hoof,
every song by hill and field and tree and woman and child,
every song of stream and rock,
every song of tool and lyre and flute,
every song of gold and emerald
and fire,
every song the heart should cry with magnificent dignity
to know itself as God:
for all other knowledge will leave us again in want and aching -
only imbibing the glorious Sun
will complete us.

I have come into this world to experience this:

men so true to love
they would rather die before speaking
an unkind word,
men so true their lives are His covenant -
the promise of
I have come into this world to see this:

the sword drop from men's hands
even at the height of
their arc of rage
because we have finally realized
there is just one flesh
we can wound.

From “Love Poems From God”
by Daniel Ladinsky.


Saturday, February 11, 2006

Quetzalcoatl " La Serpiente Enplumada"

Creador (dios-cielo) de la humanidad
para las culturas de Mesoamerica
(Aztecas. Toltecas, y Mayas)

Es el representante por naturaleza del principio de dualidad,
dios del viento mitad aire mitad tierra es tambien conocido
como KuKulkan.

Su origen es muy antiguo; aunque los máximos difusores de esta deidad fueron los aztecas, en realidad
no fueron ellos los que lo " crearon ".

La idea de la serpiente emplumada
procede al menos de la civilización de Teotihuacán ( siglos III-VIII ),
la gran ciudad de la meseta central de México que en el lenguaje náhuatl significa

‘Lugar donde los hombres se hacen Dioses’’

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Comming Out From the Cold!

Paintings by
Nicolas Roerich

A cold sun
has come
to this planet,
be sure comets
travel fast

Know it well
anybody can see it
its warmth

It doesn't burn
although, only shines
when Darkness

White Light
coming from
the cold.

It's me, it's you
I am talking