Monday, November 28, 2005

About Home, Acerca de Casa

"I came and perceived that wherever I go
Peace Is my home”.

Alúna, according to the mythology of the Kogui community of the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta, means being in thought and thought at a distance with the force of existence.

Llegue y descubri que mas alla de cualquier lugar
Paz Es mi hogar

Aluna acorde con la mitologia de la comunidad Kogui en la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta significa estar en pensamiento y ser pensado en la distancia por la fuerza de la existencia

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Photopoetry III Fotopoesia

RE-Nacido de las Cenizas- RE-Born from Ashes

Once I remembered
a myriad of birds

The first was a seagull
flying below the big blue
with just the current
struggling to forget its life
conditioned patterns

Then I watched an eagle
silent king of air
soaring high alone
towards an empty sky

Emerging from pure fire
reborn from ashes
I saw at last a very ancient bird
with golden wings

The mythological Phoenix
comming from the horizon
truly bright
no birth no death
spontaneously arising
to bring light
on Earth

Peace Shall Prevail!

Una vez recorde observar
una multitud de aves
La primera fue una gaviota
lentamente volando
bajo el gran azul
luchando a la merced
de la corriente
para olvidar su
Luego observe un aguila
poderoso rey del aire
volando solitario
sin temor
hacia el cielo vacio
Emergiendo desde las cenizas
renacido del puro fuego
al final observe un
ave muy antigua
Sin nacer sin morir
Mitologico Fenix
verdaderamente brillante
arrivando con el horizonte
para traer luz a esta tierra.

Friday, November 11, 2005

El Pendulo de la Felicidad

Momento a momento

siguiendo la cadencia de la cierta impermanencia

la ruta del caminante claramente muestra una respuesta

para aquel sutil dorado hilo que sostiene
Alegria Tristeza...
positivo negativo
bueno o malo
paz guerra...
de un lado para el otro
y viceversa

detenerse a observar sinceramente

respirar vida!

es una respuesta!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Raven for Peace! On Native American Mythology !

The Great Spirit called all his people together from all over the earth and the sky

The first animal to appear was a raven

I've been told to speak briefly about the Raven...

There is more to Raven than meets the eye. And how many of you have met the eye of a raven? They've always been associated with Godliness. Few people know that the first bird out of Noah's ark was a raven. It just didn't return.

It didn't feel the need.

Probably the most intelligent of birds,

the raven is central to the mythology of Pacific Northwest coast Native Americans

The Raven is credited with giving the light, fire, and water to the Indians

One of the most prominent figures of the Haida, Nootka, and Tsimshian Tribes, whose homeland is located in present-day British Columbia

To the Haida, Raven is the Bringer of Light!


There are nights when the moon shines so brightlyand everything is ever so quiet.

Then Odin rides through the forest.These are the raven nights.

When all the ravens are white and can speak, and everyone can understand them

From Sweden